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Many different types of computers available including:



Computers started out as massive mainframes that could fill an entire room. Then, micro-technology led to the computer shrinking down to such a size that it could fit in an individual's palm. However, businesses are realizing that contemporary mainframe computers have a number of useful functions.





The function of a computer server is to store, retrieve and send or "serve" files and data to other computers on its network. Many businesses of all sizes use a local network or "intranet" in their office facilities. On a larger scale, the world-wide computer network we know as the "Internet" depends upon a large number of servers located around the world. The files, data, and functionality of a given website are based on web servers.


The network management workstation functions perform administrative tasks on a local or remote workstation. Only a user or application with admin group membership, on a local or remote server, can perform administrative tasks on a workstation to control its operation, user access, and resource sharing. For more information about calling functions that require administrator privileges, see Running with Special Privileges.
The workstation functions are listed following.
NetWkstaGetInfoReturns information about the configuration elements for a workstation.
NetWkstaSetInfoConfigures a workstation.

The workstation functions allow access to two discrete types of workstation information:
  • System information
  • Platform-specific information
Within each type the data is categorized by security access. Data that is guest-accessible is a subset of the data that is user-accessible, which is in turn a subset of the admin-accessible data.
Workstation information is available at the following levels:
The network management workstation user functions allow access to user-specific information. The user-specific information is separated from the workstation information because there can be more than one user on a workstation.
The workstation user functions are listed following.
NetWkstaUserEnumLists information about all users currently logged on to the workstation.
NetWkstaUserGetInfoReturns information about one currently logged-on user.
NetWkstaUserSetInfoSets the user-specific information for the configuration elements of a workstation.

Workstation user information is available at the following levels:


The main purpose of a desktop computer is to have a personal computer in a centralized location. Having a more powerful computer in an accessible location like an office makes up for its lack of transportability.


A handheld computer can have the same features that are found on a desktop computer. However, a handheld computer is not heavy and bulky like a desktop computer is. Some of the features you can take advantage of with a handheld computer include accessing your email accounts, and working on spreadsheets or word processing documents.
Politeknik kota bharu


Suppose you have to make this really important PowerPoint presentation which is due at school tomorrow and your parents suddenly inform you of this function you have to attend. What would you do? Well you could always attend it and come back late at night to work on the presentation...and then you would wake up late, miss the bus and be sent back home. You stayed up all night and did all that work for nothing?
Now here is where your saviour makes its entrance. If you already owned a laptop at that time, you could have taken it with you and complete the project at the function while your parents droned on and on to your relatives about the load-shedding problems. You would get a full night's sleep and wake up bright and bushy-tailed in the morning, even getting an 'A' on the presentation! Now do you understand how useful laptops are?
The laptop is, perhaps, capable of all that a desktop computer can, but at a higher price. Just to state a few examples, it can word process, run multimedia presentations, satisfy our entertainment and leisure need (games, music, videos) and to do programming or sites like this.
However, the laptop is also capable of what a desktop computer is not. Its portability allows you to write business reports, do research and even eleventh-hour homework while commuting, or simply just to fill the void of time when travelling.

Students fully utilizing laptops to maximse studying time.
Most notably, it has been increasingly employed by schools for education purposes whereby students are required or recommended to purchase laptops prior to the start of a school term to aid them in taking notes during lectures(tablet PC) or even used in laboratory experiments to measure pH levels or temperatures. Teachers also carry laptops to provide audiovisual aid with projection slides for students.
The performance of laptops can even be extended into the fields of astronomy whereby amateur astronomers are able to bring them into observing sites where they are used to process and display images from telescopes equipped with CCD cameras.

Students fully utilizing laptops to maximse studying time at Politeknik kota bharu
Pelajar DEE 1A desember

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